PD Warrior – Exercise is Medicine.
Have you been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s or know people with Parkinson’s, whether mild to moderate Parkinson’s? If so, then PD Warrior is the exciting new exercise program that you have been looking for.

What is PD Warrior?
PD Warrior is a game changer exercise program designed to slow the progression of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Neuro-active exercise can slow Parkinson’s down and help you to move better, look better and ultimately feel better.
PD Warrior offers people hope that there is a life after diagnosis. We help to answer the six most common questions faced by those with Parkinson’s disease.
The program consists of individual instruction in the 10 good exercise behaviours that have been specifically designed to drive the brains natural abilities. Your neural network can re-wire itself and protect itself depending on the type of Parkinson’s you have. Once mastered we offer weekly group classes to further encourage compliance to the exercise program.
PD Warrior is more than just a revolutionary exercise program. It is a philosophy that teaches you how to regain control and how to get back to a high quality of life.
Our rehab program offers you community support to build strong networks with people who will see you through the highlights and lowlights of your journey.
Help us to allow you to reclaim your bucket and get on with living life to the fullest.
Be Empowered!
Parkinson’s does not define you. The more you believe in your abilities, the more you will be able to achieve.
Call us at Wellers Hill Physiotherapy for further details and to discuss your Parkinson’s with PD Warrior instructors Kath Armstrong and Lauren McGregor.